Tonight at the mall

Thursday, November 8, 2012

IT Took until November 08/2012 for CTV North to expose coverups by McGuinty and Queen's Park Representatives 
The McGuinty Government  E-mails from Queen's Park and communications reveal that THE RESCUE OPERATION was in fact aborted while there was still signs of life and McGuinty and officials were trying to prepare a statement to deal with this , however the fear of reprisal motivated them to seemingly restart the operation and they proceeded not to attempt a rescue but to prepare for demolition   
I WAS THERE And I do not need an Investigation to tell you that they canceled the Rescue Operation and changed it to preparations for demolition. I stood there and watch them measuring , bringing in portable toilets and spending the whole night looking busy and faking a rescue operation. McGuinty showed up in Elliot Lake when all was well over and done and gave his little political speil as if he was giving a pep talk of solidarity to a bunch of dumb Mucking Slushers

Friday, October 26, 2012

Elliot Lake Business Renewal

Elliot Lake News

McGuinty showed up in Elliot Lake today, he prorogued parliament  although he  was elected to manage the affairs of the Province at Queen's Park .
Now he has the audacity to show his face in a community which voted the Liberals out , both Provincially and Federally.
I though he had stepped down and quit, but I guess he wants to drag it out !
He states that this community is important to him and it should be. He showed up after the tragedy occured and after the victims died. The help he sent  came late and served to demolish the critical evidence and nothing else.
There are SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS of class action lawsuits pending against the government and other parties. THIS IS NOW NDP country so I do not know what is going down behind the scenes ?
Being a pionneer of this city I can tell you that I have transparency . I can see through the ploy to cover up the sad events which led to The Elliot Lake Mall Collapse and can relate to the comments that the building codes need to be revised.
Northerners are not the idiots, The Mall Collapse was evident for a long time and local and provincial representatives passed the buck and waited until the event finally took place . I hope McGuinty returns to the area to have his day in court with other responsible parties


Thursday, July 5, 2012

1 Horse Town

Elliot Lake  Mall Closed
News will follow when all investigations are finished

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Doloris Perizzolo, 74, laid to rest as OPP vows 'to get to the bottom of what happened'

A news conference was held after the funeral and it seems that it will be a while before more information is released. The media will be advised in due time. For now there are several investigations, much information to compile and it is important that  all is  handeled in such a way that court cases will not be compromised.
It is a sad day for Elliot Lake. Doloris will be missed , even if you did not know her personally her smile said it all
 "A Wonderful Person"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Elliot Lake Mall Exodus - A Day for Closure

A time to grieve a time to mourn. A time to pray and fill the pails with our tears so nothing like this ever happens again . We have all learnt a lesson we should all bow our heads and endeavour to rebuild on new foundations supported on moral grounds


The Killer Mall

Now that The Elliot Lake Mall is declared a crime scene  the truth may surface as well as more bodies. We as residents of Elliot were all in the shadow of death and we  were placed in harms way.
May life in this city and the rest of Canada never be sacrificed for financial and political gain with disregard for human life.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


There was a press conference and it was  announced   that two bodies have been recovered.This  gloomy and rainy day matched  the mood  as grief and sorrow filled many hearts. It has been a long sleepless night for the workers and everyone as they hoped someone would be found alive.
The number of casualties  remains unconfirmed
 (that is only my biassed opinion )
 My sense of reality calculates the casualtes to be a  minimum of thirty ( based on general observations and the flow of traffic each time I go to the mall )   
(Considerating the scope of devastation this may take sometime to be resolve)
The Salvation Army - Shoppers Drug Mart -
No-Frills are all there with supplies and support .
Now that he weather has settled it will be easier for everyone to re- group for an evening vigil

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The One Horse Town Media Video

Elliot Lake Mall Tonight

Candles and flowers adorned the bank  of the mall property as concerned residents expressed their grief and waited for a sign of hope

Monday, June 25, 2012


Rescue aborted

Yesterday we gathered teary eyed for the people who died at the Elliot Lake Mall
We do not need anyone to give us a rendering of account. We all walked below that slab a short time ago and two of us were spared by a matter of minutes , by sheer destiny. We grieve for the victims with sincere hearts and we are all angry that we were placed in arms way and no one including us bothered to take action.
Pail after pail of water... the bank moved out... the pharmacy moved out , merchants moved out and
everyone ignored the red flags as raindrops kept a falling...
The work will now go on and the mall will keep falling apart until the truth is unveiled . For the time being even the undertaker had to relocate and we have an off limit Mall which will make for a shortage of everything and hopefully give rise to an increase of awareness and  common sense.
The Rescue is being aborted and the mall dismanteled as it is self destructing as I blog...
We are going to bring flowers and taking an interlude
Monday June 25/2012

Crews forced to stop search for Ont. mall collapse victims . Engineers say Elliot Lake structure could fall at any time.
Pray for the victims .


Don't be deceived one seemingly dead and one injured is just a bunch of bullshit.
For some reason the truth is always thwarted.
I was in Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Charley and they were picking up bodies by the truck load and reporting a few casualties.
The Elliot Lake mall has a food court and a lottery booth in the area where the roof caved in
The only time that area is void of people is when the mall is closed, and even then , there may be janitors and security personnel.
The Mall's main intersection is where the collapse took place, the main corridor to the Dollar Store,The Library, the washrooms, the escalator, the food court and restauraunt and ...much more.

Nontheless 1person dead is one too many as this could have been prevented , I do not know what went on behind the scenes and why the Mall changed ownership... all I know is what I believe in and my gutt feeling about the statement I made over a month ago
"If this Mall had been in different hands it would have been condemned long ago !" 

Media Leaks

What is it with media reportig when a leg and an arm are seen under a cement slab we are told that one is feared dead ? The truth is people are dead and those missing arre also dead. Elliot Lakers and everyone  should be informed about the tragedy as it truly is

Several years ago, leaks were forcing merchants to shut their stores as water  was damaging their wares. An architect apparently warned that if moisture accumulated in some of the fibreboard pads lining the roof's concrete slabs, the pads could deteriorate. This goes in line with why the roof may have collapsed

Sunday, June 24, 2012

My Roof has a WHOLE in it

I have a whole lot to say about the hole
Thirty years back there was a transition in Elliot Lake. The Town of Elliot Lake changed from being a mining town to becoming a City  slated for retirement Living . I always liked small towns so why now  a CITY ??? ... the answer lies in grants and politics .

The local uranium miners were not deemed to be adequate subjects for the management and development of THE NEW COMMUNITY... Groups of southerners were imported,
for construction, for administration, and for the mangement of the Eighty Million Dollars plus Fund.

New companies, new names, new population.... short term recyclable seniors with a lot of dough.

Building a mall with a cement roof used as a parking lot in a northern town is not a brilliant inspiration from a local  miner....The inspiration and design  has to come right out of the south.
The roof has been plagued with leaks and problems as long as I can remember.
The town has the city name but not the population ,so  merchants came and went with their pockets empty and wet products. I saw pails of water where the roof collapsed  and I saw kids applying Sillicone to hold the roof in place. Just last month I made the comment that if anyone else but the City was involved this mall would be declared condemned. The Mall changed hands... inspectors, engineers,mayor and council all failed to see that the buckets were filed with water and soon someone would kick the bucket ... crazy glue and cement patch are a poor combination as the patrons sit below with a slab of cement and cars over their heads.
Accidents are unforseen events and not acts of nonchalence and now the deterioration will continue and the buck will be passed on with patch up grants in the making until an other so called  accident arises.
Welcome to Elliot Lake tempt fate with a walk through the mall.... I am a local so I told my wife to keep away in May , I am also leary about super stacks that drop their immissions hundreds of miles away and can have an impact on the deterioration of cement....of course I am parranoid but that beats being stupid !

Elliot Lake Mall over the roof report

You may think that  the collapse of the roof at the Elliot Lake Mall on June 23/2012 was an accident however I see differently I see it as criminal negligence and disregard for human lives
Follow my blog and learn more about  the city's failure to mitigate  its loses and usurping its powers through political scemes to the detriment of its main commodity  being ... senior citizens